Distance: 19 miles
Time: 36 minutes
Start: Highlands
End: Franklin

Starting out in Highlands, you can enjoy the calm atmosphere of the Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park. Or you can walk above the waterfall tumbling into the Mill Creek at the Highlands NC Greenway.

Continuing onto U.S. Highway 64 then transitioning to Franklin Road, you will ride close to Lake Sequoyah and get to feel the spray from Sequoyah Falls. Curving around the length of Cullasaja River, you will then get close to Bridal Veil Falls.

As you continue on towards Cullasaja, you will get the opportunity to explore natural sites and hiking trails including Bust Your Butt Falls, Cullasaja Goldmine Road, and Cullasaja Falls. This road has lots of twists and sharp curves yet manages to remain on relatively level ground.

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